France - National Institute of Prevention and Health Education (INPES) is launching an information campaign about prevention and STI. His credo: the screening.
Sexually transmitted infections are caused by different agents (viruses, bacteria, parasites ...) transmitted from one person to another during sex. But some of them, such as HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis, can also be transmitted by means other than sexual.
The seriousness of STIs varies. The worst can be fatal, such as AIDS or hepatitis B. Papilllomavirus warts and can in turn cause cancer, while chlamydia, syphilis or herpes can cause severe complications (severe genital infections, ectopic pregnancy, infertility ...).
The best way to protect themselves against STIs is to use a condom and to use screening. The Inpes stressed today the importance of the latter, which must be completed before the onset of symptoms. While sexually transmitted infections are not always visible, their impact on them can be dramatic.
Sexually transmitted infections are caused by different agents (viruses, bacteria, parasites ...) transmitted from one person to another during sex. But some of them, such as HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis, can also be transmitted by means other than sexual.
The seriousness of STIs varies. The worst can be fatal, such as AIDS or hepatitis B. Papilllomavirus warts and can in turn cause cancer, while chlamydia, syphilis or herpes can cause severe complications (severe genital infections, ectopic pregnancy, infertility ...).
The best way to protect themselves against STIs is to use a condom and to use screening. The Inpes stressed today the importance of the latter, which must be completed before the onset of symptoms. While sexually transmitted infections are not always visible, their impact on them can be dramatic.
Hey all, I found very detailed information about Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Please go through it.
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