French scientists have just found a technique to produce human sperm from embryonic stem cells.
A step forward in the understanding of infertility, which raises doubts of some scholars.
A team of British scientists made up of researchers from the University of Newcastle and the North East England Stem Cell Institute (NESC) has announced that it succeeded in creating human sperm from embryonic stem cells. They have indeed succeeded in producing laboratory in mid-July, semen quite artificial. Their findings were published in the medical journal Stem Cells and Development.
A better understanding of infertility
This work should shed light on the mechanisms of infertility. According to Professor Karim Nayernia, who led the research teams, it is an "important development, because it will allow researchers to study in detail how the sperm is formed, which should lead to a better understanding of male infertility, why it happens and what the cause. " This discovery should also help to shed new light on the transmission of diseases from one generation to another.
Assistance to fight against future infertility?
According to these scientists, the technique would create a artificial sperm from embryonic stem cells carrying the male XY chromosomes. In accordance with the law currently in force in Great Britain, the semen cannot be used to fertilize the eggs and give birth.
Researchers, however, rely on the development of this legislation so that this technique can serve as a response to male infertility. Although the technique needs further improvement, Professor Nayernia hopes much of this discovery. "This understanding may allow us to develop new ways to help couples with infertility, so that they can have a child that is genetically their own" he says.
Discussion on results
Technically, scientists have taken the embryonic stem cells from embryos produced by in vitro fertilization. According to them, stem cells male XY chromosome carriers, yielded functional sperm continue their cell division. The latter, also called meiosis did not occur in its entirety with the female cells, XX. They have been at the stage of spermatogonia, first stage of sperm. These results show that the Y chromosome is essential to the genesis of a functional sperm.
The announcement immediately sparked reactions from the scientific community.
Doubts about the nature and authenticity of sperm obtained were issued, based on data provided. "Even if the cells could have produced some of the genetic traits and molecular markers of sperm, human sperm have a fully differentiated cell-specific morphology, behavior and activities that are not described here," said Dr. example Allen Pacey, sperm biologist at the University of Sheffield.
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