The hour is grave. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers reasonable production in one year than five billion doses of vaccine (enough to cover whole continents) to overcome a possible pandemic.
This is the fourth consecutive morning that the WHO experts awake on hearing a thousand more people are infected with influenza virus A, influenza swine. The scourge will soon be combined with five digits, because the official count reported today 9,830 confirmed cases and 80 deaths in 40 countries. In this ranking, the United States, which has closed schools in New York after sixth death on their territory, consistently tops, with 5,123 cases. Mexico, home of the epidemic size is always second place, with 3,648 patients and 72 deaths. Also on the podium in third place, moved up on Canada, which shows 496 cases of swine flu, including one death. Fourth and last country where death rode the moment, Costa Rica reported one death, while having identified nine confirmed cases of the virus.
While Panama reported 59 infections, Japan has suffered a sudden bout of fever in almost joining the leaders with 159 confirmed cases. This dramatic burst of influenza in Japan (likely home independently of contamination) could decide the WHO officials to raise the alert level at 6 in the coming days. In Europe, Spain (103 cases) is elbow to elbow with the United Kingdom (102 cases), the British Isles having almost caught the Iberian Peninsula.
A little further down the table, France and Germany (14 cases each) are also in a handkerchief. No other country comes to the time bar of 10 cases. It is at this juncture that the Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon has joined the underground headquarters of the WHO in Geneva where the organization specialists prepare an international response to the offensive virus. Officials from major pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi, Solvay, GSK and Novartis are also present to consult on the nature and amount and type of vaccine that would eventually be produced. While experts agree on the fact that the influenza virus A could mutate to give rise to a strain much more harmful, the pharmaceutical industry is awaiting the green light from the WHO.
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