During pregnancy, there are three mandatory ultrasound and reimbursed by social security. It takes place at the defined time of pregnancy and all have a special need.
The first ultrasound
It is generally done between the 12th and 14th week of gestation. It's role is mainly because dating can give an approximate date of early pregnancy and therefore a subsequent date of term delivery. It was also at this time that the ultrasound can determine the location of pregnancy (left or right ovary) and especially the number of embryos.
During this ultrasound, a first screening of malformations may be statevisit. It was also at that moment that comes into account the first criterion depistgae of trisomy 21, since the ultrasound will make the measurement of nuchal clarity.
For parents, this first scan is usually a first time very moving because they see for the first time their baby. The ultrasound also generally hear the baby's heart. So for parents the first contact with their baby.
The second ultrasound
We can call this morphological ultrasound sonography. It is usually performed between the 20th and 22nd week of gestation. It lasts long enough for the ultrasound will conduct an audit of all limbs and organs to detect morphological malformation. He will therefore monitor fetal growth by measuring the limbs (femur, head circumference ...).
The ultrasound is generally the most impressive for parents because the baby is clearly visible: there are his hands, his feet, he was sometimes seen sucking her thumb. This was also the ultrasound where you can ask to know the sex of the child ... of course if it is well positioned!
The third ultrasound
Performed between the 30th and 32nd week of gestation, it is mainly there to see the evolution of the child. The ultrasound will then conduct further testing abnormalities, examine fetal growth. It will also consider the well-being with an estimated fetal weight, size, quantity of amniotic fluid ... It will also consider the position of the placenta and the baby's position (head down or head). This ultrasound is typically experienced differently by parents because many think the fact that the next time they see their child, it will be to keep their arms. It remains a wonderful time for many parents who can discover the uterine life of their child (sometimes it yawning or sucking his chip, he sometimes has the hiccups, which is clearly visible on the image).
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