The Cells Cultured In Vitro : Future Successor Of Animals?
England - The international conference on tissue engineering has highlighted the ability of this technique to replace laboratory animals, providing additional tools from tests in biomedical research.

The in vitro culture of mammalian cells allows all researchers to study them as testing new drugs or therapeutic procedures. But culture in vitro is different from cells in vivo, those of the living animal. Tissue engineering is now trying to mimic or recreate in vitro models as representative as possible of the living model.

The animal is not the most suitable model for studies of diseases of humans. The 3D cell cultures seem to be good models, but must still be improved and proven reliability. This technique is already applied to the modeling of spinal cord, sepsis, diabetic wounds, compaction of lumbar discs, among others.

From the point of view of trade, the tissue enginerring of interest but must cope with strict regulations. The development of a new molecule must necessarily go through a confirmation in vivo animal model. And the animal model is physiologically very different from humans. With the cultivation of human tissue, animal model tests would be useless. The molecule then quickly prove its effectiveness.

Stem cells also provide their share of promises but they are discussed by ethics. The stem cell adapts to the environment in which it operates and integrates perfectly. Its capabilities are very broad and open the door for developing new therapeutic agents.

Cellular systems will not immediately replace laboratory animals. The scientific community believes it will take between 5 and 7 years to accept and validate these cellular systems as alternative models to animal models.


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